Nestled between the bustling metropolises of Fort Lauderdale and Miami, Hollywood emerges as a radiant gem amidst the sun-kissed beaches of South Florida. After years of lying relatively dormant, this quaint beach town is now experiencing an unprecedented surge in its real estate market, fueled by a potent mix of soaring demand and constrained supply.
The Resurgence of Downtown Hollywood
Downtown Hollywood and its iconic Young Circle area are at the heart of this resurgence. A staggering $1.5 billion in real estate projects are either in the pipeline or currently underway.
Leading this charge is BTI Partners, a powerhouse investment and development firm hailing from nearby Fort Lauderdale. Spearheaded by the visionary leadership of CEO Noah Breakstone, BTI Partners is at the forefront of Hollywood’s metamorphosis, capitalizing on the burgeoning opportunities presented by the town’s evolving urban fabric.
Booming Commercial and Residential Sectors
The commercial and residential real estate sectors in Hollywood are booming. The commercial market boasts over 6.4 million square feet of office space with an occupancy rate exceeding 95%. Forbes ranks Hollywood No.9 on the list of major cities with the most significant rise in home values, and the city is witnessing the construction of more than 5,000 new residential units. Notable projects, like Soleste Hollywood Boulevard and University Station, showcase the city’s commitment to development and growth.
Hollywood is investing over $500 million in capital improvement projects, reflecting its commitment to infrastructure enhancement. These projects include a new police headquarters, a golf course redevelopment project, and other developments to evolve the community’s needs. The city’s economic development team assists businesses with incentives, site selection, and expedited permitting services.
Looking Ahead
Hollywood positions itself as a forward-focused city poised for future growth. With its sought-after beaches, historic downtown, diverse amenities, and an active lifestyle!
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